On 23 September Alternativi International team was already in Kazanlak as part of the Youth caravan initiative where an information campaign was held, to promote opportunities for mobility abroad – training, education, volunteering within the Erasmus + program. Kazanlak became the one of the 7 cities, part of the campaign of Alternativi International, called Youth Caravan which runs between 18 and 24 September. A team of enthusiastic youth and volunteers from different countries organized a large public event in the center of Kazanlak with an interesting information stand, lucky cards and a fortune wheel, challenges and gifts, and an interesting flashbob that included local youth. Hundreds of young people were informed about how to participate in international youth exchanges, trainings, internships and other educational opportunities. The day was filled with smiles, surprises, dancing and much useful information!
The Alternativi International team is gratefulfor the cooperation of Youth Decelopement Center- Mutual aid. The initiative is part of the “EVS Academy” project, funded by the Erasmus + program, administered in Bulgaria by the Center for Human Resource Development.