Dissemination activity of YE Your way to success by Italian team

“Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen.”

The never-ending spirit of inquiry and curiosity immunized a wonderful journey in Bansko, Bulgaria, in an Erasmus plus project perfectly organized by ‘’Alternativi Internationali’’ from the 21st to the 29th of June 2022.

During eight days in Bansko,  we experienced a great mixture of different cultures along with participants from Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Romania, and Poland. My team and I represented Italy and reached our views to the beyond; it is significant how we want to participate again and share their visions. It is how youth grow by pushing out to extraordinary levels.

Furthermore, then learning some basic words in different languages and expressing ourselves in English, we highlight that during the activities, we learned about Entrepreneurship, Worldwild Youth opportunities, Personal and Professional Growth. as well as raising awareness about the common youth challenges in the participant’s countries.  

During the activities, we developed our teamwork skills; we learned how to brainstorm, make a business plan, actively listen to others, share our ideas and opinions, and end up finding a compromise that suits everyone.

We also realized that a good leader inspires to create more leaders by being more efficient and creative in a short time.

The cultural night was an opportunity for us to travel without moving from our place; we learned some historical facts about Bulgaria that helped connect the cultural similarities between the different countries that got through colonization.

Sometimes words aren’t enough for what we feel, so “Carpi Diem, Momento Mori” no worries for the rest of your days, live and let the others live.

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