Dates: 1-8 June 2023
Place: Istanbul (Silivri) , Turkey
About the project:
Sport and outdoor-based learning promotes active learning through direct personal development. Methods used in sport and outdoor-based learning include skills-based learning, team building, problem solving, confidence building, cooperative games and wilderness exploration. ABOUT PROJECT Sport and outdoor based learning activities help to explore what one can do and bring about positive change in attitudes and behaviors and can also be a good way to teach values and attitudes and learning about social roles and attitudes, active youth participation and active involvement in decision- making processes. Sport and outdoor-based learning contributes to personal development and social awareness and develops skills for life. Furthermore, sport and outdoor-based learning builds self-confidence, which is fundamental for the development of any young person. and contributes to building self-esteem.
-Enabling participants to directly experience a variety of sports and outdoor-based methods and techniques
-Providing an opportunity to overcome the consequences of the pandemic caused by COVID-19 by allowing participants to learn together with people from other countries in an outdoor environment
-To increase participants’ self-confidence and self- esteem and to live an active lifestyle and take an active role in their communities empower them
-Supporting participants ‘competency development through sports and outdoor activities, with a special focus on teamwork, problem solving, risk taking, communication
-To equip the participants with knowledge about the Erasmus+ Program and to support them in their future local and international projects and
actions to provide an opportunity for brainstorming
-To equip participants with knowledge about the Erasmus+ Program and provide them with the opportunity to brainstorm for future local and
international projects and actions
Participant profile:
9 participants up to 30 years old.
Participating countries:
Türkiye, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Italy, Romania
Accomodation and food:
Wewill stay in theSelimpaşaUygulamaOteli You can have a look at their web site;
It is a public accommodation place.Rooms are arranged as triple rooms.All participantswill staywith other countries participants.So please don’t ask thatI have to staywith my friend/friends.The reason is the aim ofthe Erasmus+ program for intercultural learning.
Travel, Insurance and Finances:
Travel arrangementswill be made by the hosting organization.
Contribution fee:
There is no contribution fee for the project
If you are interested in and would like to take part in please fill the from here : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSduhBmS5FXONO3QkCiLOLJMbSpc5SOT-8EbaLIc_vAZW1ulOg/viewform?c=0&w=1