In the beginning of September in Pompei, Italy, our partner Active Youth for Europe implemented an amazing youth exchange called “Sport to combat violence and cyberbullying”. We are now pleased to share information about the project and some of its results, because sharing is caring!!
The youth exchange gathered young people between the age of 18 and 26 from Italy, Spain, Latvia and the UK to analyze how, in the recent years, violence and (cyber)bullying has increased. The main objective of the project was to make young people aware of the problem of violence and cyberbullying and its implications for young people and society, stimulating them to tackle the problem by using the power of sport as a unifying factor.
The implementation phase included mobility with a diversified program based on non-formal education. It had activities that aimed to provide a platform for youth learning and included: knowledge activities among participants, team building activities, rules and orientation (mainly the first 2 days), information activities such as understanding the terms, present the situations in their countries, campaigns of the No Hate Speech Movement, practical exercises involving the practice of sports and sports games as well as working on case studies, fishbowl discussion and problem tree method. There were also public activities during the exchange in order to spread the message between the local community. Activities like a running marathon and soccer tournament with local youth, to show the power of sport, took place during the project. In the following link you can find a video of the marathon:
Each of the groups had responsibility for the implementation of games and sessions already assigned in this phase which guaranteed an active participation and involvement of the young people. There was also time for the participants (Open Space) to plan activities, seminars and strengthen their leadership. The project also included the planning of follow-up activities, as well as the development of materials to promote the exchange itself and involve more young people in the last days of the project.
The participants created many different project outcomes such as a video, interview, logo, brochure and a website to share their amazing experience in Italy with all of you!
You can find the website on the following link:
And here you can find the interview: