Dates: 13-20 September 2022
Place: Granada, Spain
About the project:
In recent years, as citizens, we have been able to perceive a series of problems derived from the rural exodus that have only worsened as a result of the new stage of economic growth and the subsequent Covid-19 crisis. On the one hand, the demonstrations in rural environments against their gradual depopulation have become increasingly visible, in the same way, and on the contrary, we have been able to observe how the great accumulation of population in urban areas has been awakening problems of different kinds (excessive increase in rental and housing prices, high concentration of people in urban centers, environmental problems, etc.) Unfortunately, and although it seems that many people during the health crisis, have fled to the villages in search of a calmer and healthier life, where you can work remotely and alternate your work-time with other activities that you could hardly do in the cities; We do not consider that this is going to last over time, but rather it seems more a circumstantial fact than a change in our way of life. Under these premises, we consider that it is young people who have to change the approach, not only to see their respective municipalities as something attractive, where they can develop a vital long-term project, but also to see that there is still a world of economic possibilities in them to be exploited and that they should be the protagonists in this process of creating wealth and added value in their respective rural areas. The idea of this project is to bring together 32 young people from Spain, Italy, Poland, and Bulgaria between 16-24 years old and give them another perspective. One of the main reasons why young people decide to emigrate to cities is the lack of job opportunities. Our goal will be to give them enough tools to allow them to take advantage of the rural environment, inspire them to start their own businesses, and thereby transform the reality of rural areas, reducing youth unemployment and increasing social cohesion. Through non-formal education, we intend to create the participants’ first contact with the world of entrepreneurship, either through debates, workshops, contests, or even by introducing them to other young people from rural environments which an entrepreneurial background. Beyond the entrepreneurship part, we also want to give these young people the opportunity to share a truly intercultural experience with people from other countries from backgrounds similar to theirs, because we understand that both things together can mean a real change in the way of seeing the lives of the participants.
We will have 32 participants from Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, and Spain who for 8 days will share activities that seek to show them the opportunities of the rural world and the possibilities of entrepreneurship within it. For this, we will carry out games, icebreakers, teamwork activities, individual activities, search for information, interaction with the inhabitants, group activities, visits to local companies, discussions, exchange of experiences, reflections, work on practical examples, workshops, energizers, simulation games and panels of experts. They will therefore learn by experimenting (Workshops, games….) or in a direct way (Information search, video recording…) All this without forgetting the cultural part of the exchange, for us, it is not only important that they learn about entrepreneurship, but they must also immerse themselves in other cultures, improve their language skills, learn by learning, etc. It is also important that there are activities that are not closed to the group of project participants, but that other young people from our municipality can join; among others, free participation in intercultural nights, expert exhibitions, and visits to local companies will be allowed.
Participant profile:
For the participants’ selection the following criteria will be taken into consideration:
- young people between 18-24 years old
- interested in the topic
- having less experience in Erasmus +
Participating countries:
Bulgaria, Spain, Poland, Italy.
Insurance, Travel and Finances:
Insurance: Health insurance is not provided and will not be reimbursed by the organizers. All participants are strongly advised to purchase private travel insurance or/and to have a valid EUROPEAN INSURANCE CARD.
Accomodation and food:
1.We will be hosted in Cabins at the Sport City of Granada. (Av. Barón Piere de Coubertan, 1, 18100 Armilla)
2. During the program the cabins will be our home. I would like to ask everybody to take care with the noise, especially during the night. Also take in mind that in case of any damage done by the participants it will be cover from the reimbursement
3. Do not leave the place without having notified your youth leader – in that way, no one gets lost, and no one gets worried.
4- Main entrance of “Ciudad Deportiva” will be close during the night, so it is not possible to leave the place for going out.
We have one amount – based by the distance – and that’s the limit we can reimburse. If the travel costs over the limit, that will be the participants of your organizations cost. It depends from you. Try to buy the cheapest option. Only hand luggage and a bag is permitted.
Take care about the extra days our National agency only allows 2 extra days in total, maximum 4 in justified cases. We won’t reimburse unnecessary costs if bus cost 10 euros and a train at the same time cost 80, you should take the bus.
Contribution fee:
There is no contribution fee for the project
If you are interested in and would like to take part in please fill the from here : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSduhBmS5FXONO3QkCiLOLJMbSpc5SOT-8EbaLIc_vAZW1ulOg/viewform?c=0&w=1