In the period between 2018 and 2020 Alternativi International has implemented the project Volunteering 4 Strategic development and hosted overall of 58 young people from Italy, Spain, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Latvia, France, Portugal, Slovakia, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine. The project was financed by Erasmus+ program of the European Commission.
The project was focused on to ensuring access to quality youth information, changing the cultural model by providing extracurricular and leisure activities for young people ; promoting volunteering as a value and encouraging more young people to take part in volunteering activities on local and international level.
Here we are sharing few of the stories and inspirational words of the volunteers who took part in the project!
Finally I came to conclusion and I will share with you, my dear readers. Alternativi International taught me the meaning of volunteering. Being volunteer is a huge experience which you will never forget! For me s a pleasure to help others and do it for free. something that can be useful for you and for others. You can discover yourself, new cultures and new relationships. Thank you alternativi team for giving me this opportunity . And shortly about programme: our main goal was to spread information about Erasmus+ program, what possibilities young people have and not only. Our volunteer group with the help of Alternativi team created a work plan and made all stuff by ourselves for the best final. I am sure if you are someone who is searching for discovering something new in the life, has a wish to help others and to share experiences with different people from all over the world s your chance to be a Volunteer.
Be volunteer! Thank you for attention.
With warm regards Mariami.