Title: Online Activism 4 Youth work
Dates: 1- 8 July 2019
Place: Bansko, Bulgaria
Project description:
The overall aim of the project is to provide youth workers and NGOs with the adequate measures knowledge, skills, competences and experience using online activism for preventing youth radicalization.
By providing an overall understanding of hate speech, human rights and online activism and providing space to analyse concrete case studies and learn from best practices, participants will increase their competences to look at their context with a wider scope and develop their critical thinking. Therefore, youth workers participating in the training will gain the skills to plan and intervene in these situations with transformative approaches through the implementation of non violent online campaigns and activities. The training will provide knowledge and skills for developing online campaigns and activities trough digital tools and counter and alternative narratives. Therefore, a variety of non-formal educational tools such simulation exercises, group work, case studies, debates and theater methods will be accompanied with feedback and evaluation sessions, Moreover, a round table with activists will be organized to share their experience with the participants and help them build their own campaigns.
With the growing concern about online radicalization and the noticeable increase in openly extremist groups in Europe, more and more Member States are facing threats from radicalization of youth. Throughout the EU, the risk of radicalization leading to extremist violence is growing. Since the start of the conflict in Syria, in 2011, thousands of foreign fighters have traveled from Western Europe to fight in Syria and Iraq. The Internet has played a significant role in the radicalization and recruitment of foreign fighters and continues to do so. Many reports confirm the importance of social networks as a tool used by ISIS to recruit young people. For instance the Europol report of 2017 EU Terorism Sitiaton and Trend Report points out that the majority of the terrorist attackers in 2016 and 2017 are precisely young people born and grown up in Europe, also pointing to the role of social networks for their radicalization. Radicalization Awareness Network warns of rising dangers for young EuropeansSocial networking is the main activity young people aged 16-24 use the internet for, something which extremist groups are well aware of. This is why they are using social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to draw young people to their cause. There is extremist material available online including; articles, images, videos encouraging hate or violence, posts on social media, websites created by terrorist organizations, terrorist training materials and videos glorifying war and violence.
Main objectives of the project:
-to provide deeper understanding of counter and alternative narratives as a tool for fighting hate speech and violent extremism
-to provide practical tools and knowledge how to build online campaigns
-to strengthen the potential and capacity of the NGOs to counter youth radicalization using online activism
– promoting the European values of democracy, respect for human rights, diversity, intercultural dialogue
The profile of participants we are looking for are youth workers, leaders, active volunteers, organization board members dealing with the topic of the project and wanting to improve their skills and knowladge. The participants have to be over 18 years old with very strong motivation for participation. Previous experience is valued but not mandatory.
Participant profile:
- Youth workers, leaders
- Motivated to participate in the project
- They are NOT on European Voluntary Service (EVS) at the moment of the activity
Partner countries:
Bulgaria, Latvia, Estonia, Azerbaijan, Romania, Georgia, Armenia, Italy, Denmark, UK
Accommodation and travel costs:
Accommodation and food (breakfast, lunch and dinner) for the duration of the activities will be covered by the receiving organization.
Contribution fee:
Contribution fee: 25 euro This way we will ensure the participants have a stake in the project: A modest contribution from participants to the overall costs of a project helps to create a sense of investment and ownership as well as participants tend to value what they receive more when they have contributed to it.Those costs will contribute to the implementation of the project activities and raising the quality of the logistical arrangements.
If you are interested in and would like to take part in please fill the from here : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSduhBmS5FXONO3QkCiLOLJMbSpc5SOT-8EbaLIc_vAZW1ulOg/viewform?c=0&w=1
Deadline: 26 June 2019